形态特性 淋巴母细胞样
生长特性 半贴壁生长
特征特性 杂交瘤细胞;SCRV-G-1B2该细胞属保藏,其特征特性尚未公开。
培养条件 RPMI 1640 (w/o Hepes) 10%FBS
传代方法 1:3传代,3-4天传1次
传代情况 C5
冻存条件 基础培养基+5%DMSO+20%FBS
Human plaet-derived growth factor,PDGF ELISA Kit 人血小板衍生生长因子 X69770 48T
Human plaet activating factor,PAF ELISA Kit 人血小板活化因子 X69771 48T
Human Tissue-type Plasiminogen Actilyse,t-PA ELISA Kit 人组织型纤溶酶原激活剂 X69772 48T
Human Tissue factor,IF ELISA Kit 人组织因子 X69773 48T
Human Beta-Thromboglobulin, Beta-TG ELISA Kit 人β血小板球蛋白/β血栓环蛋白 X69774 48T
Human Plaet Factor 4,PF-4 ELISA Kit 人血小板因子4 X69775 48T
Human lymphocyte function associated antigen 2,LFA-2 ELISA Kit 人淋巴细胞功能相关抗原2 X69776 48T
Human leukotriene E4,LT-E4 ELISA Kit 人白三烯E4 X69777 48T
Human D-Dimer,D2D ELISA Kit 人D二聚体 X69778 48T
human Immunoglobulin E,IgE ELISA Kit 人免疫球蛋白E X69779 48T
Human Triggering Receptor Expresses on Myeloid Cells-1,TREM-1 ELISA Kit 人髓系细胞触发受体-1 X69780 48T
Human leukoregulin,LR ELISA Kit 人白细胞调节素 X69781 48T
Human Thrombopoietin,TPO ELISA kit 人血小板生成素 X69782 48T
Human Leukemia inhibitory factor,LIF ELISA kit 人白血病抑制因子 X69783 48T
Human Salusin Alpha ELISA Kit 人Salusin-α X69784 48T
human Insulin receptor substrate 2,IRS-2 ELISA Kit 人胰岛素受体底物2 X69785 48T
Human transthyretin,TTR ELISA Kit 人转甲状腺素蛋白 X69786 48T
Human advanced oxidation protein products,AOPP ELISA Kit 人晚期氧化蛋白产物 X69787 48T
Human islet amyloid polypeptide,IAPP ELISA Kit 人胰岛淀粉样多肽 X69788 48T
Human glycosylated serum protein,GSP ELISA Kit 人糖化蛋白 X69789 48T
Human Glycated Albumin,GA ELISA Kit 人糖化白蛋白 X69790 48T
Human Thyroxine-Binding Globulin Assay,TBG ELISA Kit 人甲状腺结合球蛋白 X69791 48T
Human advanced glycation end products,AGEs ELISA Kit 人晚期糖基化终末产物 X69792 48T
Human C-Polypeptide,CP ELISA Kit 人C多肽 X69793 48T
Human Receptor for advanced glycation end products, RAGE/AGER ELISA Kit 人晚期糖基化终末产物受体 X69794 48T
Human Glucagon,GC ELISA Kit 人胰高血糖素 X69795 48T
Human Pancreatic Polypeptide,PP ELISA Kit 人胰多肽 X69796 48T
Human insulin autoantibodies,IAA ELISA Kit 人胰岛素自身抗体 X69797 48T
Human glutamic acid decarboxylase,GAD ELISA Kit 人谷氨酸脱羧酶 X69798 48T
Human Thymopentin,TP-5 ELISA Kit 人胸腺五肽 X69799 48T
Human Thymosin ELISA Kit 人胸腺肽 X69800 48T
Human Non-Phosphorylated Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 ELISA Kit 人未磷酸化类胰岛素生长因子结合蛋白-1 X69801 48T
Human parathyroid hormone-like protein,PLP ELISA Kit 人甲状旁腺激素样蛋白 X69802 48T
Human visfatin ELISA Kit 人内脂素/内脏脂肪素 X69803 48T
Human apelin 12,AP12 ELISA Kit 人apelin 12 X69804 48T
Human Glucose dependent insulin releasing polypeptide,GIP ELISA Kit 人葡萄糖依赖性胰岛素释放多肽 X69805 48T
Human Proinsulin,PI ELISA Kit 人胰岛素原 X69806 48T
Human Insulin Receptor Beta,ISR- Beta ELISA KIT 人胰岛素受体β X69807 48T
Human Glycated hemoglobin A1c,GHbA1c ELISA Kit 人糖化血红蛋白A1c X69808 48T
Human ghcagons-like pepfide 1,GLP-1 ELISA Kit 人胰高血糖素样肽1 X69809 48T
human thyroid stimulating immunoglobulin,TSI ELISA Kit 人甲状腺刺激免疫球蛋白 X69810 48T
human Parathyroid hormone,PTH ELISA Kit 人甲状旁腺激素 X69811 48T
human Prostaglandin D2-methoxime,PGD2-MOX ELISA KIT 人甲肟前列腺素D2 X69812 48T
human Ultrasensitivity Thyroxine,u-T4 ELISA Kit 人高敏甲状腺素 X69813 48T
human ultrasensitive thyroid-stimulating hormone,U-TSH ELISA Kit 人高灵敏度促甲状腺激素 X69814 48T
human dopamine,DA ELISA KIT 人多巴胺 X69815 48T
human Azidothymidine,AZT ELISA Kit 人叠氮胸苷 X69816 48T
human adrencocorticotropic hormone,ACTH ELISA Kit 人促肾上腺皮质激素 X69817 48T
human corticotropin releasing hormone,CRH ELISA Kit 人促肾上皮质激素释放激素 X69818 48T
Human Thyroglobulin,TG ELISA Kit 人甲状腺球蛋白 X69819 48T
Human Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3a,eIF3a ELISA Kit 人真核翻译起始因子3a X69820 48T
Human phospho-extracellular signal-regulated kinase,pERK ELISA Kit 人磷酸化细胞外信号调节激酶 X69821 48T
Human phospholamban,PLN ELISA Kit 人受磷蛋白 X69822 48T
Human tumour necrosis factor related weak inducer of apoptosis,TWEAK ELISA Kit 人肿瘤坏死因子相关弱凋亡诱导因子 X69823 48T
Human IPO-38 ELISA Kit 人IPO-38蛋白 X69824 48T
human excision repair cross-complementation group 1,ERCC1 ELISA kit 人切除修复交叉互补基因1 X69825 48T
Human Protein Carbonyl,PC ELISA Kit 人羰基化蛋白 X69826 48T
human phospho-inhibitory subunit of NF-κB Alpha,pIKB Alpha ELISA kit 人磷酸化核因子κB抑制蛋白α(IKKα human ELISA kit) X69827 96T
Human paxillin,Pax ELISA Kit 人桩蛋白 X69828 48T
Human small breast epithelial mucin,SBEM ELISA Kit 人小乳腺表皮粘蛋白 X69829 48T
human Mus musculus similar to 60S ribosomal protein L12,LOC382344 ELISA kit 人类似60S核糖体蛋白L21 X69830 48T
human orosomucoid 2,ORM2 ELISA Kit 人类粘蛋白2
X69831 48T